Monday, August 5, 2013

田牧米に聞いてみました。 Q&A about California Rice

Updated: June 3, 2016

Q: About its philosophy over GMO and Radiation contamination.

A: All of the rice for the Tamaki products are grown in Northern California valley.  As an industry, rice in California has been tested for GMO and none has been found.  As for the radiation, it was a few years ago that a trace amount was detected in the state of Washington.  California has not detected any levels and we have not felt it necessary to test the soil for radiation. 

Q: Highest cesium levels of any topsoil measurements found by UCB since the crisis began was 2.737 becquerels/kg in Sacramento. This is equal to 73.9 picocuries/kg. (Conversion: 27 picocuries = 1 becquerel) 
Is it possible to test your soil and rice?
(・・・Actually It is a sample of Dried manure, and the result for the topsoil was Cs 134 0.147±0.015 and Cs 137 2.590±0.259
 福島事故後のUC Berkeleyの土壌測定の最高値はサクラメント(田牧米産地)の2.737 becquerels/kgでした。土壌と米の検査をしていただけますか?
(実際にこの値は、事故後風雨に曝した肥料を乾燥させたものの8月の測定値で、土表の測定値は、セシウム134 0.147±0.015、セシウム137 2.590±0.259でした。)

A: We are north of Sacramento.  According to the testimony of radiation epidemiologist and Professor in the Department of Medicine at Vanderbilt University and Scientific Director of the International Epidemiology Institute, John D. Boice, Jr., Sc.D.  His testimony to congress states,

 “The health consequences for United States citizens are negligible to nonexistent.”  You will receive more radiation from x-rays than you will from the Fukushima fall out.  I have attached the link for you to review.

With this being said, the California Rice Industry does not see the need to test for radiation.  This is very costly and unnecessary considering Japan grows and eats more rice in their own country with no consequences to their health.

Comment from Marco Kaltofen about his highest reading

My group measured soil, air filter and dust samples from Washington, Oregon, California, and British Columbia. This particular soil sample, with 8 pCi/g of radiocesium, was our highest North American result. It came from a site on the outskirts of Portland, OR. The next highest result came from a site near Boulder, CO. Except for followup samples near these two sites, no other US or Canadian samples came close to the levels of radiocesium in these "hot spots." Given the nature of radioactive fallout, this is an expected result. Both hot spots are likely due to rainouts that took place during March or April 2011. A recent study by the USGS, "Fission Products in National Atmospheric Deposition Program—Wet Deposition Samples Prior to and Following the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Incident, March 8–April 5, 2011", found remarkably similar results.
わたしたちはワシントン、オレゴン、カリフォルニアとBC州土壌、エアーフィルター、ホコリを測定しました。8 pCi/g(296 bq/kgのサンプルは私たちが測った北アメリカの検査結果で一番高いものでした。そのサンプルはオレゴン州ポートランドの中心から離れたところのものです。次に高かったのは、コロラド州ボルダーからのものです。これら2つの地域以外のはアメリカ、カナダのサンプルで放射性セシウムの「ホットスポット」のレベルに近いものはありませんでした。放射性降下物の性質を考えると、それは予測できる結果です。2つのホットスポットはおそらく20113月から4月にかけての降雨によるものだと考えられます。最近のUSGSの研究によれば、福島事故以前、以後(201138日から45日)の湿性沈着のサンプルの測定結果はかなり類似していることが分かりました。

The 8 pCi/g soil sample from Oregon was split and sent to a certified commercial radiation testing laboratory. (PACE Analytical, formerly General Electric Walter Miltz lab.) Their result came back as total 134Cs + 137Cs = 11.0 pCi/g. The commercial lab's 137Cs result was higher than ours, and thus gave a higher overall figure.
I should have added, that none of the followup samples exceeded 0.5 pCi/g of Cs134 + Cs137. I apologize for the oversight.
8pCi/gのオレゴン州の土壌サンプルは分割して民間の認定された放射能検査機関に送りました。そこからの結果はセシウム134と137の合計が11.0 pCi/g(407bq/kg)でした。民間の機関のセシウム137は私たちのものより高くなる傾向がありますので、全体の数字として高くなったのでしょう。私たちの検査でセシウム134と137の合計が0.5 pCi/g(18.5bq/kg)を超えたものはありませんでした。見落としがあり、申し訳ありませんでした。


We truly appreciate everyone's efforts to respond to the public concern, no matter what. We appreciate our blog visitors for your respect for different values, opinions, and perspectives. We do NOT support any negative reactions, blaming, or personal attacks. This interferes with our transparency. Thank you very much for your understanding.


  1. - 日本が米を育て、自国での米をより多く食べているのに健康障害が出ていないことを考えると、その必要性はありません。


  2. おっしゃるとおりです。



  3. You did not ask my permission to post my name and contact info. Please remove it asap! This is a major security issue for myself!
