Sunday, March 24, 2013

海に放出されたストロンチウムとセシウムはどのくらい? How much radioactive Strontium and Cesium have been released to the ocean?

90Sr and 89Sr in seawater off Japan as a consequence of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident

N. Casacuberta1, P. Masqu´e1, J. Garcia-Orellana1, R. Garcia-Tenorio2, and K. O. Buesseler3

Abstract. The impact of the earthquake and tsunami in the east coast of Japan in 11 March 2011 caused a loss of power at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)that resulted in one of the most important releases of artificial radioactivity to the environment.
要約: 2011年3月11日に日本東海岸で起こった地震と津波は福島第一原発の電源を喪失させることになり、環境に最も重要な人工的放射性物質を放出する結果となりました。

Although several works were devoted to evaluate the atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides, the impact of the discharges to the ocean has been less investigated.

Here we evaluate the distribution of Fukushima-derived 90Sr and 89Sr throughout waters 30–600 km offshore in June 2011.

Concentrations of 90Sr and 89Sr in both surface waters and shallow profiles ranged from 0.8±0.2 to 85±3 Bqm−3 and from 19±6 to 265±74 Bqm−3, respectively. Because of its short half-life, all measured 89Sr was due to the accident, while the 90Sr concentrations can be compared to the background levels in the Pacific Ocean of about 1.2 Bqm−3. Fukushima-derived radiostrontium was mainly detected north of Kuroshio Current, as this was acting as a southern boundary for transport.
ストロンチウム90と89の濃縮は、海面、浅いところで、1立方メートルあたりそれぞれ0.8±0.2 to 85±3Bqと19±6 to 265±74Bqでした。ストロンチウム89の短い半減期(50.57日)から、検出された全てのものが福島事由来のものだと言えます。一方、ストロンチウム90の濃縮は、太平洋のバックグランドレベルである1立方メートル約 1.2 Bqと比較することができます。福島由来の放射性ストロンチウムは主に黒潮の北で検出されました。黒潮は移動の際、南との境界線としての役目を果たしているようです。

The highest activities were associated with near-shore eddies, and larger inventories were found in the closest stations to Fukushima NPP.

The data evidences a major influence of direct liquid discharges of radiostrontium compared to the atmospheric deposition.

Existing 137Cs data reported from the same samples allowed us establishing a 90Sr/137Cs ratio of 0.0256±0.0006 in seawater off Fukushima, being significantly different than that of the global atmospheric fallout (i.e. 0.63) and may be used in future studies to track waters coming from the east coast of Japan.

Liquid discharges of 90Sr to the ocean were estimated, resulting in an inventory of 53±1 TBq of 90Sr in the inshore study area in June 2011 and total releases of 90Sr ranging from 90 to 900 TBq, depending upon the reported estimates of 137Cs releases that are considered.
液体ストロンチウム90の排出が推測されました。それは、2011年6月に近海の研究地域でストロンチウム90を53±1 TBqを含んでいるという結果となり、セシウム137の放出量の推測に基づき、ストロンチウム90の総放出値が90-900Tbqと考えられます。(Trabecquerel =1 Trillion Bq-テラベクレル=1兆ベクレル)

福島第一湾内 汚染水流出継続か 東京海洋大教授が試算

Ongoing release of contaminated water into Fukushima Daiichi NPP Harbour, estimated by a professor of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Radioactive Cs concentration in water samples
within Fukushima Daiichi NPP harbor
Between June, 2011 and March, 2013

With regards to the persistence of Cs concentration in the water of Fukushima Daiichi NPP harbor,  a professor of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Jota Kanda estimated total of about 17Tbq contaminated water containing Cs could be released to the ocean since June 2011 when the release was supposed to stop.

TEPCO estimated 15 billion bq contaminated water had been released in total intentionally for a week in April, 2011, Prof. Kanda's estimate is 100 times of it.

Prof. Kanda pointed "Contaminated water still can be leaking through grand water and pipe, and the investigation should be done immediately."

TEPCO denied, "There was no massive release of contaminated water. The level is not going down because we are taking a measure not to let the radioactive water out from the harbor.

According to Prof. Kanda, the level of Cs 137 in the harbor decreased between June, 2011 and March, 2012, but it would not go lower after April, 2012. He assumed 44% of water in the harbor is replaced with the water outside per day. Total of 17.1TBq must be released to get the contamination level of June 1, 2011 to September 30, 2012. It means 8.1billion to 93.2 billion bq have been released per day.

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