Wednesday, April 16, 2014

デトックス Detox

Boost your immune system and maximize natural healing power

1. INTRO はじめに

I think most people know how the best way to protect yourself from radiation is to minimize your exposure to it. Ideally, we should live somewhere with minimal background radiation, breathe clean air, and eat food free of radionuclides. And yes, we should do our best to achieve this ideal. Try to avoid high radiation areas, and eat foods from places that have the least radiation pollution.

With the ongoing crisis at Fukushima, this has become more difficult, especially for people in Japan, but also for people around the world. Ever since the nuclear weapons testing which began in the 1940s, the radiation levels around the world have been risen. So this is not a new probem, it has just become a bigger one.

While avoiding radiation exposure is the most important way to protect against radiation, we can also protect ourselves from the damaging effects of radiation through diet and lifestyle.

2. General guidelines for a strong immune system and optimum health**


- cigarette smoking (or exposure) 

- X-rays 

- radiation-emitting airport scanners 

- microwaves 

- excessive alcohol consumption 

- excessive stress 

- pesticides, herbicides

- heavy metal exposure (in foods and products)

- plastic wrap, plastic containers 

- anti-perspirants 

- vaccinations 

- chemical cleaning products, detergents 

- painkillers and other pharmaceuticals, antibiotics 

- refined carbohydrates: white flour, white sugar, high-fructose corn syrup 

**sugar-mineral explanation**

- artificial sweeteners (aspartame, etc), other artificial ingredients


- processed foods

- GMOs/genetically-modified organisms 
 (if not organic corn, soy, canola oil, cottonseed oil, sugar-from sugar beets)
 遺伝子組換え生物 (GMO)

- fried oils, fried foods, fast food

- meat, dairy, eggs (esp. if not organic)
 肉、乳製品、卵 (オーガニックでない場合は特に)

Things to Include more of:積極的に増やしたいもの  

- fresh, clean whole foods (unprocessed or minimally processed)

- raw foods

- organic food (or at least chemical-free)

- greens

- variety of vegetables/fruits/whole grains

- seaweeds

- fermented foods (probiotics)

- anti-oxidants

- clean, fresh water

- time spent in nature

- time spent with friends/family

- physical activity (yoga, hiking, exercise, sports, etc)

3.Anti-radiation Nutrition

The anti-radiation diet is built on four main principles:

【1】selective uptake
   セレクティブ アップテイク

The first is the principle of selective uptake, which means that if one has enough minerals in the system, the cells become full with minerals. leaving less opportunity for the radioactive minerals to be absorbed into the system. 

For example, with such minerals as calcium or iodine, if there is enough natural calcium, or iodine in the system, the body will not tend to absorb additional strontium-90, which is a close equivalent to calcium, or iodine-131. 

If the normal mineral levels are low, then strontium-90 and iodine-131 will be more easily absorbed.When any of these radioactive minerals are absorbed into a particular tissue, they immediately begin to irradiate the surrounding cells and tissues. Each element is attracted to the organs in which it is normally utilized.

- Calcium protects the bones from strontium.

- Potassium protects the muscles, kidneys, liver, and reproductive organs from cesium.

- Iodine protects the thyroid and gonads from radioactive iodine.

Radioactive iodine is a major nuclear plant meltdown contaminant. Research suggests that one milligram of iodine for children and 5 milligrams for adults would reduce the amount of radioactive iodine from direct I-131 exposure accumulated in the thyroid by 80%. Some high iodine foods are kelp, garlic and onion, squash, spinach, asparagus, kale, citrus foods, watermelon, and pineapple.

Statistics show that as a result of air exposure to radiation, cow's milk is about fifteen times more concentrated with radioactive materials, and beef is more than thirty times more concentrated, than leafy vegetables are. Root vegetables are about four more times concentrated than leafy vegetables and about three times more concentrated than grains.


ANOTHER IMPORTANT WAY OF NEUTRALIZING radioactive buildup is chelation.The best chelator for pulling radioactive material out of the system is sodium alginate. According to studies by Yukio Tanaka and other researchers at McGill University in Canada, sodium alginate reduces the amount of strontium-90 absorbed by the bone by 53-80%. 
キレーションも内部被爆から身を守る方法として有効である。放射性物質を体から排出する最も優れたキレート剤はアルギン酸ナトリウムだ。カナダ、マギル大学でのYukio Tanaka氏らの研究によると、アルギン酸ナトリウムは、ストロンチウム90の骨への吸収を5380%減少させたとのことである。

The sea vegetables containing the most sodium alginate are in the kelp family, which includes kelp, arame, wakame, kombu, and hijiki. Other research reported by Dr. Schechter suggests that sodium alginate not only protects us from absorbing strontium, but also helps pull out the existing strontium from our bones. 

Other research has shown that the alginate binds other metal pollutants, such as excess barium, lead, plutonium, cesium, and cadmium. Research by Tanaka showed that the alginate decreased the uptake of strontium, barium, and radium by a factor of 12.These radioactive elements are then turned into harmless salts and excreted by the system. Schechter points out that the different sea vegetables seem to be selective in which radioactive element they tend to bind the most. 
アルギン酸はバリウム、鉛、プルトニウム、セシウム、カドミウムといった金属性汚染物質と結合する性質があるということが、研究によって明らかになっている。Yukio Tanaka氏による研究で、アルギン酸はストロンチウム、バリウム、ラジウムの吸収量を12分の1に減少させるということが明らかになった。上記の放射性物質は無害な塩分となり、体外へと排出された。シェクター氏によると、各々の海藻が、それぞれ特定の放射性物質と結合する性質があるとのことだ。

Brown sea vegetables bind excess strontium and iron. Red sea vegetables are best for binding plutonium. The green algaes bind cesium-137 most effectively. 

Sea vegetables have all the fifty-six minerals and trace elements our bodies need. This is about twenty more minerals than land vegetables have. They have the highest amounts of magnesium, iron, and iodine. Sea vegetables are high in vitamin A, chlorophyll, enzymes, all the B vitamins, some vitamin E and D, and have vitamin C content equal to that of green vegetables.

Chelation Agents キレート
Source  食材

Sodium Alginate アルギニン酸ナトリウム
Kelp - best chelates Strontium
昆布・あらめ・わかめ・ひじき - ストロンチウムの解毒に
Dulse - best chelates Plutonium
ダルス - プルトニウムの解毒に
Blue-Green - best chelates Cesium
藍藻類 - セシウムの解毒に
Other sea vegetables
Pectin ペクチン
Soy, apples, sunflower seeds
Zybicolin ジピコリン酸
Phytates フィンチン酸塩
Grains, beans, peas
Cellulose & Lignin セルロース・リグニン
Nondissolvable food fibers

*****Dr. Cousens strongly recommends Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) (liquid form of zeolites-comes from volcanic eruptions, cells form a cage-like structure which picks up toxins). It moves elements out of the kidneys safely and effectively, as well as from the rest of the body. Researchers have estimated that it is up to 9-20 times a more powerful chelator than naturally occurring zeolites because of its purification and empty shell.

It has been shown in research to pull out radiation, heavy metals, and radioactive minerals. The research on the use of zeolite in Chernobyl show that giving 1-2 zeolite cookies per day cleared all radiation after 3 days for adults and children. 

However, the zeolite powders primarily remove the radioactive minerals from the intestines, whereas the NCD, which is micronized and purified, not only cleans the intestines, but moves through the intestines into the body’s tissues and circulatory system to remove radiation particles from the blood and brain. 

NCD plays an important role against radioactive minerals, which it specifically chelates throughout the body. This is the most powerful chelating agent we have available to us and I strongly recommend 10 drops, 4 times daily for maintenance and up to 10 drops 6 times, daily, for acute exposure. It is the number one chelating agent for all types of radioactive minerals.

Clay (bentonite) is also excellent for chelating radioactive materials out of the intestines. It is best to use if there is a major exposure. 



The third concept is to keep the body high in antioxidant nutrients and enzymes, which will nullify the free radicals created by the radiation exposure.

Low-level radiation over a long period of time causes the most radiation damage to the cells. This comes from eating the radioactive particles on food, or inside the food. The end result of low-level radiation over a long period of time is the production of a large amount of free radicals. This free-radical production causes lethal radiation sickness and contributes to high rates of cancer.

A free radical is a molecule that is out of electron balance. The way they rebalance themselves is to steal an electron from another molecule, which subsequently unbalances the next molecule in a chain reaction-type fashion.
Free radicals can cause inflammations, damage cells and blood vessels, produce mutations, and cause degenerative diseases, including cancer.
Free radicals are implicated in chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and even the aging process among others.

In 1972, a Canadian doctor (Dr. Abram Petkau), discovered that the main damage of low-level radiation was not from direct radiation on our genes (causing mutations), but from the production of free radicals. The doctor found the free-radical effect from chronic low radiation exposure to be one thousand times greater than from a single large exposure.
1972年、カナダ人のエイブラム ペトカウ博士が、低線量被爆の主なダメージは、突然変異の原因となる遺伝子に対する直接的な被爆ではなく、フリーラジカルの生成によるものだということを発見した。博士は、慢性的な低線量被爆によって生成されたフリーラジカルからの影響は、1回の高線量被爆より千倍も大きいものだということを発見した。

So if free radical damage is caused by long-term low level radiation exposure, and free radicals are connected to all kinds of diseases, it becomes clear that we need to protect ourselves from free radical damage in order to protect against all kinds of illness.

Some of the most common antioxidants, and the foods which contain them:

Vitamin A - carrots, squash, broccoli, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, kale, cantaloupe, peaches, and apples.
ビタミンA :

Vitamin C - citrus fruits, bell peppers, green peppers, leafy green vegetables, strawberries, broccoli, pineapple, kiwi, cantaloupe, and tomatoes.
ビタミンC :

Vitamin E - sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, asparagus, bell peppers, kale,tomato, carrots, broccoli
ビタミンE :

Selenium - brazilnuts, brown rice, oats, sunflower seeds, tofu, garlic.
セレニウム :

Zinc - spinach, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, oats, green peas, miso
亜鉛 :

Some other common antioxidants include:

Flavonoids and polyphenols - soy, red wine, red grapes, pomegranates, cranberries, and tea.
フラボノイドとポリフェノール :

Lycopene - tomatoes, pink grapefruit and watermelon.
リコピン :

Lutein - dark green vegetables such as kale, kiwi, broccoli, and spinach.
ルテイン : 

Lignan - flax seed, oatmeal, barley, and rye.
リグニン :

【4】specific foods and herbs. 

The fourth concept is that there are certain foods and herbs that specifically protect against the overall effects of radiation.

According to post-Hiroshima research, Miso was shown to increase resistance to radiation amongst laboratory mice by five times.

During World War II, Dr. Akizuki of Nagasaki's St. Francis clinic was one mile from the blast when the atomic bomb went off in Nagasaki. He and his staff, who ate miso regularly, did not suffer radiation sickness as they cared for the victims of the atomic blast in the weeks and years after.

Inside Miso, there is another chelator that protects the body from absorbing radioactive materials - zybicolin(ジピコリン酸).

Zybicolin is a fiber that is especially good for drawing out radioactive materials.

The fiber found in whole grains, nuts, seeds, and beans are also good chelators.

Fiber contained in pectin, found in fruits and seeds, especially sunflower seeds, is also a good chelator.

Phytates, found in grains and beans, and sulphur-containing amino acids, found particularly in the cabbage family, are also good chelators.

**After 55 years of being listed as classified, research has been released showing that 20 cups of green tea a day gave 97% or more protection against exposure to the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. For this reason alone green tea should be in the number one category for protection against radiation exposure.

Garlic is another specific anti-radiation food. Among other nutrients, Garlic contains an unidentified substance named vitamin X by the Soviets, which prevents the absorption of radioactive isotopes and helps to draw them out of the body.

Wild onions and wild ginseng also seem to have this vitamin X.

Foods containing chlorophyll have been known to protect against radiation for a long time now. Generally speaking, any green foods have chlorophyll. From 1959 to 1961, the Chief of the US Army Nutrition Branch found that high-chlorophyll foods reduced the effects of radiation on guinea pigs by 50%. This includes all chlorophyll foods:  cabbage, leafy green vegetables, spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, any sprouts

Foods 食品

Miso 味噌
High in minerals, Zybicolin
Sea vegetables, Kelp 
Iron, Potassium, Iodine, 56 minerals, sodium alginate
Sunflower seeds, Apples, Soy
Grains, Fruits, Vegetables
Fiber, Phytates
Raw Food
Has general detox effect
Sulfur Vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower)
Sulfur, cysteine (amino acid)
Chlorophyll-containing foods
Reduces radiation side effects by 50%
97-100% protection against Cesium-137
Garlic, Ginseng, Onion
97-100% protection against mutations, high selenium, anti-oxidative effect
Blue-Green Algae
 (Spirulina, Chlorella, etc
Protects against Cesium-137, high in chlorophyll
Green Tea** 
Anti-oxidative effect

Radiation protection strategy number 5 is to eat organic and plant foods only. Eating low on the food chain greatly reduces your exposure to toxins in general, as well as to radiation. Avoid all animal products including dairy, meat, fish and chicken, as these animals concentrate radioactive particles in their bodies 30 times more than are concentrated in plants.


4.Anti-radiation Supplements


Years after the Chernobyl disaster, four million people in Ukraine and Belarus live in dangerously radioactive areas. The water, soil and food over an 11,000 square mile area is contaminated. Over 160,000 children are victims of radiation poisoning, with birth defects, leukemia, cancer, thyroid disease, anemia, loss of vision and appetite and depressed immune system, now called "Chernobyl AIDS."

Doctors reported spirulina's health benefits for child victims of Chernobyl radiation. Spirulina reduced urine radioactivity levels by 50% in only 20 days. This result was achieved by giving 5 grams a day to children at the Minsk, Belarus Institute of Radiation Medicine. The Institute program treated 100 children every 20 days.

An unpublished 1993 report confirmed 1990-91 research, concluding "spirulina decreases radiation dose load received from food contaminated with radionucleides, Cesium-137 and Strontium-90."

There has been a significant study around Russia, Chernobyl and China that spirulina and chlorella are exceptionally good at detoxifying the body of heavy metals, providing up to a 50% decrease in side effects from radiation.  



Green Tea 

Sea Vegetables 

Chlorophyll (green vegetables) 

Grains, Beans 

Sulfur Vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, onion, garlic)

Raw Food, Sprouts

Spirulina, Chlorella

5.  Raw Food


When you cook food, you can lose a lot of the protein, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Anti-oxidants Vitamins C and A are water-soluble vitamins, and so they are particularly vulnerable to being lost through cooking. As many anti-oxidants as possible should be taken to protect against the free radical damage caused by prolongued low level radiation.
With raw food, many chronic diseases have been cured including cancer and diabetes.

The first record of curing diabetes with live food was with Max Gerson, who cured a doctor (Albert Schweitzer) in the 1920s with live food. There is a medical doctor in the US named Gabriel Cousens.  He has been able to cure diabetes with these results: in three weeks, 53% of type 2 diabetes are off all medication and type 1 diabetes, 30% of people are off all medication and cured.
加熱調理されていない食品で糖尿病が改善した初めての記録は、マックス ゲルソンによるものである。彼は1920年代に、アルバート シュヴァイツァー博士という人物を、ローフードで治療したのだ。アメリカのガブリエル カズンズという医師は、以下の結果をもって糖尿病を治療した。3週間で、53%の第2型糖尿病患者は治療不要となり、完癒した。第1型の糖尿病では、30%の患者が治療不要となり、完癒した。

For more information:

Much of the information is taken from Dr. Gabriel Cousens' Anti-Radiation Guide in the book "Conscious Eating"

Gerson Therapy websites

The  Beautiful Truth (Documentary on the Gerson Therapy among other things)

Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days  

This article is kindly contributed by 利休(Rikyu)

Huge Thanks to our knowledgeable Mr. and Mrs. becquerel-less-diet advisers!

Please also see some valuable comments below. 
Thank you so much for your comment, Maureen and Kimpossible!


  1. ASAP, please add summary recommendations from the book Radiation Protective Foods (RPF), self-published in 2012 (in order to keep the book price low) by Sara Shannon, who received her nutrition degree from the State University of New York. RPF goes into great detail on many further nutritional strategies ... she recommends that people do not rely on supplements much, but get most nutrients from whole foods. Sara plans to publish a 2014 edition during the summer of 2014. A previous version of RPF is her landmark book Diet For The Atomic Age, the first book on that subject for the general public. Even Dr. Cousens probably had the contents of that book in mind when he was writing that chapter in Conscious Eating. I've read Conscious Eating, and the only warning I would add to your above blog entry is that both clay and zeolite should only be taken under the supervision of a health provider. Zeolite, for example, is known to remove some calcium and some other micronutrients when taken over a long period of time. Also, the studies Dr. Cousens cites on zeolite admit that there have been no safety studies done yet on the use of zeolite during pregnancy. Just because it's a natural product doesn't mean it's totally benign ... for example, snake venom is natural.

  2. Thank you so much for your valuable comment.
    We will add this important information ASAP.

  3. Thank you for your article, there is a lot of good information here. I would like to suggest that you not recommend green tea at this time, unless it's sourced from India. The northern region of Japan near Fukushima grows much of the world's green tea. China grows quite a bit as well and the pollution problems there may impact it's quality. Even India is dealing with record breaking pollution, so avoiding green tea altogether is not a bad idea. I would also add that I recommend zeolite if it is Natural Cellular Defense, NCD (which is the brand that Dr. Cousen's also recommends). NCD2 is twelve times as strong as the original NCD. Pregnant women are rarely advised to take anything other than prenatal vitamins and I would never recommend that they take zeolite. For people who do, children included, it's important to remember to also take a high quality multi vitamin and mineral supplement. There is evidence to support that zeolite's strong negative charge attracts heavy metals but does not have an affinity for smaller minerals like calcium and magnesium.

  4. I would also advise against sea vegetables at this time, because Daiichi continues to dump over 300 tons of radioactive water into the Pacific daily. Thank you for your work!

    1. Thank you so much for your insight.
      We have just posted a test result of Nori seaweed.
      We'll keep trying to search for a safer option to take those nutritiously powerful food (e.g. green tea or sea vegetable).
      I personally still believe that it should NOT be ALL those foods/tea being contaminated and still have hope to create a truly sustainable society by encouraging those ethical businesses (Agriculture/Fishery) and their consumers.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I agree that we need to cultivate and promote food and supplements for challenges we face in a nuclear and toxic world. Recently I became aware of BioLumina spirulina which has a very high content of antioxidants that is grown with integrity at
