Tuesday, April 9, 2013

バイバイ、ベクレル! Bye-bye Becquerel Petition

放射能汚染食品の限界値を下げるための行動~Beyond Nuclear 他

Beyond Nuclear, in coalition with other groups and individuals from Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network or FFAN, filed a petition with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to drastically reduce the amount of radioactive cesium permitted in food, from a ridiculous 1200 Bq/kg, to 5 Bq/kg (see why here, read why here). The Bq  (Becquerel) is a measure of radioactivity. This week the FDA officially accepted the petition into its process, which means they are now accepting comments.
福島降下物アウェアネスネットワークからの個人、他のグループと共に、Beyond Nuclearはアメリカ食品医薬品局(FDA)に、食品に含まれる放射性セシウムの量を、1kgあたり1200bqというばかげたものから1kg当たり5ベクレルまで徹底的に下げることを求める嘆願書を提出しました。(なぜか?はこちら。)ベクレルとは放射能を測るものです。今週、FDAは公式に嘆願書を受領し、手続きに入りました。つまり、現在コメントを受け付けているということです。

Our petition asks for a binding limit of 5 Bq/kg of cesium 134 & 137 combined, in food, nutritional supplements and pharmaceuticals. This is necessary because of continuing exposure to radiation from atomic bomb testing and routine releases from nuclear power, and in the wake of the ongoing catastrophe at Fukushima, where the reactors are still releasing radioactivity. We also ask that testing be widespread and, when technologically feasible, measurements below 5 Bq/kg be taken. Through this effort, we would like a database of contamination levels to be established and maintained, with information relevant to researchers, so that movement of the cesium radionuclide in our environment can be tracked since it tends to biomagnify once released.

The current US FDA recommendation, which is not binding, is twelve times higher than the limit in Japan. Before the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japan’s now accepted limit of 100 Bq/kg would have been enough radioactivity to handle the contaminated material like nuclear waste is handled. But after Fukushima, it is considered all right to eat it. Anything above that 100 Bq/kg could be placed in the markets of other countries, like the US, who have higher cesium limits.

Studies indicate that, in post-Chernobyl Belarus, at just 11 Bq/kg of internal cesium contamination children can be susceptible to heart problems.  At 50 Bq/kg, children can start to have permanent tissue damage.

Additionally, in a 2011 report, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), Germany, has determined that the European Union cesium limit of 370 Bq/kg for babies and 600 for adults is woefully unprotective. Such high limits for cesium could be responsible, in combination with other man-made radioactivity, like strontium-90, plutonium-239 and iodine-131 (cesium-137 is a sentinel-indicator for the presence of these other isotopes and often does not exist without them), for roughly 150,000 additional cancer deaths in Germany alone if people consume only products contaminated to the maximum permissible limit. This number does not account for incidence of cancer nor any other wide-ranging diseases or genetic disorders radiation could cause.


The highest limit in Europe is half of the 1200 Bq/kg of cesium the US FDA recommends as its action limit. We should note, however, that the US recommendation comports very closely with the 1250 Bq/kg limit for most foodstuffs proposed by EURATOM (European Atomic Energy Community), the body of the EU that promotes nuclear power.

The IPPNW report recommends a 4 Bq/kg of cesium 137 and a 4 Bq/kg limit of cesium 134 for children, limits very similar to the 5 Bq/kg we are asking the FDA to implement for everyone. Beyond Nuclear believes it is impractical for the US to have one standard for adults and one for children.  It would be difficult to regulate, and add to the cost of implementation, so protection for the most vulnerable, those up to age 17 at least, should be the guiding principle used to set the standard. In fact, the IPPNW report recognizes this fact as well.

IPPNWの報告では、子どもにはセシウム137が1kg当たり4ベクレルまで、セシウム134が1kg当たり4ベクレルまでと提言しており、私たちがFDAに対し、全ての人に実行するように求めている1kg当たり5ベクレルと、とても近いものです。Beyond Nuclearは、アメリカで大人用の基準と子供用の基準を持つのは実用的でないと考えます。規制するのが難しく、実施にコストが更にかかってしまうので、最も影響を受けやすい最低17歳までの人々を防護するための原則が基準を定めるのに使われるべきでしょう。

Beyond Nuclear and other FFAN coalition partners will be spearheading public participation initiatives in support of this FDA petition, in addition to adding more supporting materials and amendments through the petition process as we help educate the public, the FDA and Congress on this issue. Stay tuned for upcoming actions!
Beyond Nuclearと他のFFANのパートナーは、この問題に関して、市民、FDA、議会を教育しながら、更なる裏づけ資料と嘆願書の手続きを通しての改善に加え、FDAへの嘆願書を支持する市民参加の先頭にたとうと思います。更なる行動をお見逃しないよう!

Sign the petition and tell the FDA, President Obama and our Congress members that we want to know if and when our food is contaminated so that we can protect ourselves and our children. This is a choice they should not keep from us. It is our decision.

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